Welcome!  Ok, here we go!  I’ll be very transparent….I have NO idea what I’m doing LOL!  But that’s how it starts, right?  I mean, we get an idea, we read, we learn, we take notes, we follow people who are doing it (and have become successful at it).  We pray, we practice, proof-read, and hopefully perfect it.  Then, when it’s time to execute, we stop….just before taking that leap.  We ask ourselves if we’re really ready.  Will people like it?  Will it be good?  Will we really make a difference?  We doubt.  We question whether or not we have what it takes.  But you really don’t know, because you haven’t done anything yet!  In your mind, you have already doomed your destiny.  Ok, maybe not you, but I have for years.  I kept telling myself “I can do this! I have to do this!  I’m going to do this…Yeah!”  And then, “Okay…maybe not now, but definitely in the near future.  It will be my time!”.   I realized I’ve already started.  I’ve been ready.  It will make a difference and be great to the people that it is meant for.  They’re all waiting on you, so….HIT THE DARN BUTTON ALREADY!